Sunday Schedule:

Sunday School 9:30 a.m.  -  Morning Worship 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday Evening Schedule:

Mid-Week Service @ 6:30 p.m.


At Rock Hill, we're always excited to welcome new guests. We hope you'll join us for a service, and we want to make your visit as comfortable as possible. Here's what you can expect when you come to our morning worship service at 10:30am.

Our church is located at 671 Cannon Dr., the first cross street off of Shell Oil Rd from Hwy 18.  Parking is located in front of the church.  If you have mobility restrictions or young children to carry, feel free to use the covered drive through for drop off or one of the parking spots closest to the door. We like to keep them free for visitors and people who need assistance.

Please don't worry about what you'll wear to church, for we truly believe people should come to God as they are. You don't need to dress up to get His approval - that comes through Jesus' sacrifice. Once you walk in the doors, you'll see that the congregation has all types of people in all kinds of dress. While a few people in the church wear ties, others like to remind them that Jesus never wore a tie. Casual attire is most common.

When you walk in, you'll be welcomed by one of our greeters. They're usually stationed at the main entrance and they'll show you where everything is. They'll help you find the nursery and Sunday school rooms if you have kids. Our greeters can also point you to the restrooms, sanctuary and fellowship area. If you have any questions about the service itself, the greeters are able to provide helpful answers.

Be sure to hang around after the service and join in the fellowship. You'll have a chance to meet our pastor and many other people in the church. We'd love to get to know you so you're a familiar face the next time you come.


At Rock Hill, we have a simple hope:

to see people come to know Jesus Christ and grow in their Christian faith.  Our ministries come in all shapes and sizes.  Please come and find a place to plug-in, grow, and use your God given talents in His Kingdom.


Sunday Morning Bible Study

Our Sunday School classes are all co-ed. Bible Study classes are offered for the Children, Youth, College and Career, Adults, and Young at Heart. There’s a place for you and we’d love to see you in class this Sunday morning at 9:30am.

Sunday Evening Bible Study

Bible Study classes are offered for Children, Men, and Women. The women use a DVD based  curriculum by popular teachers like Beth Moore, Patricia Shirer, and others. They follow the DVD lesson with lively discussion about practical application in our lives today. The men use a study book based on a book or character of the Bible. We explore the strengths and weaknesses of the characters, the truths found in God's Word, and they can strengthen our lives today. 

Music Ministry

Our adult choir meets for rehearsal from 7:10 - 8:00 p.m. each Wednesday following our Mid-Week Prayer Service. We place more emphasis on the condition of the heart than the quality of the voice. Music of all genres are appreciated and presented, including southern gospel, contemporary, jazz, and spirituals.  If you love Jesus and enjoy singing, you should come join us in the choir. If you don't technically read music, that's not a problem. We'll pair you up with a fellow singer that'll show you the ropes and you'll be comfortable in no time.  Pray about it, come join us in rehearsal for six weeks, and you'll be hooked.  We look forward to seeing you soon at rehearsal on Wednesday evening.

Children's Ministry

Our Children's ministry allows children to hear and rejoice while learning about the good news of Jesus Christ. We seek to create a fun and loving environment for all Children. Children's ministry is available for all ages each Sunday morning at 9:30am. Nursery is also provided for the worship service each Sunday morning at 10:30am.

Family Movie Night

On the fourth Sunday of every other month we show a movie at 5pm. Movies are mostly Christian based films with an occasional animated feature geared toward the children. Please come and join us for a special night together.

Ladies Ministry

Ladies ministry provides opportunities for women to get together for Bible Study and personal growth. Our mission is to grow in our faith and to build strong relationships with our friends and community.  Women's Bible Study meets every Sunday evening at 5:00 p.m.

Men's Ministry

Men's ministry provides opportunities for men to get together for Bible Study and personal growth. Our mission is to grow in our faith and to build strong relationships with our friends and community.  Men's Bible Study meets every Sunday evening at 5:00 p.m.

Women On Mission

WOM meets the second Monday of each month.  Whether we’re filling Encouragement Bags for cancer patients or having a guest speaker, our mission is to learn about and be involved in missions opportunities, whether they be local or around the world.